Monday, May 18, 2009

The History of Animation

Please read the following website: the History of Animation (the Early Years before Disney) and and answer the questions.

1. Name three forerunners to today’s comic strip. What did each of these designers do in their work?

2. What is the persistence of vision? Who discovered it?

3. What were two other inventions that helped to develop animations?

4. After the development of the motion camera by Thomas A. Edison, who created the first animated film? Describe it.

5. Who developed the first characters in animation?

6. In the 1920’s what were most plots about in animated film?

7. Why did animation go into depression in the 1930’s?

Now read the Short History of Animation and answer the questions:

1. What is animation?

2. How did the development of celluloid make animation easier to manage?

3. How did animation change with Walt Disney?

4. Why was Toy Story important?


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  2. This is Ali El Matarawi. Please check my answers on The History of Animation on
